Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Why I am Married

I realize that to most people it must seem crazy to get married at 20 without being pregnant or hypnotized. Don't I want a life? Travel? Have a career? Figure out who I am? Yes. Yes to all of the above!

Deciding to get married came down to 3 decisions for me: 

Is it the right person?
Am I getting married in the right place?
And is it the right time?

Well, the right person part came easy. Lucky for me, I met him when I was 12. Plus, anyone who knows Colton knows that I married up. The best way I can describe knowing he was it is that I'd never had more fun in my whole life than when I was with him.

The right place part is also essential, but I had been working toward this my whole life. I am a Mormon, which means that I believe that families exist beyond death and that marriage is not just for time, but for the eternities as well. I know that being married in an LDS temple means that my marriage does not end with death, but that I will see my husband again and still be his wife. I knew this before I was married too, which is why I knew a temple was the right place to get married. 

And now for the right time. Let me tell you, sometimes I thought I was crazy when I thought about getting married at 20, too. I am still much more of a kid than I am an adult. But once I found the right person and I knew the right place, how could it not be the right time? This one just fell into place after I had figured out the other two questions. 

And so, here we are. We both have lives, but they include a lot of Netflix. Travel? You bet, roadtrips galore. Careers? We're working on them with all we've got and we couldn't be happier about it. Figuring out who we are? We're best friends.

I'm not saying it's for everyone, but it has definitely been the best choice I have ever made (and I think my adorable hubby would agree).


Questions? Feel free to comment.