In fact, I think what really happened is that I finally opened my eyes a little wider and connected all of the ordinary parts of my life.
Thank heavens I got three hours of sleep last night, because it means that I'm in the college program of my dreams and that I am healthy enough to ignore when my body tells me I'm tired. Thank goodness I'm stressed, because it means I'm learning and growing. Good thing some classes are infuriating, because it makes the good ones that much better. Lucky me that I have tests, because it means that I'm worth testing. The dishes may be dirty, but clean water runs out of the faucet on command. The break room might be out of silverware, but that's about the extent of my problems at work. My problems are so minimal and my blessings so miraculous.
My heart has been so full this week. Full of gratitude and a sort of wonder for the way my Heavenly Father is connecting the dots. There have been times when I have felt as though there are too many dots and not enough lines. Too many things to be doing and not enough reasons to be doing them. But then there are times, like today, when I am blessed to see the lines connect the dots and make a picture that I know I could never have made on my own.
Why? Because I only know how to draw dots.
It is my Eternal Father who draws the lines.